Duty Tutors

Our Duty Tutor service is available, free of charge, to help you with any Chemistry questions you may have arising from the lecture or laboratory material. The Duty Tutors are Pam Van Zyl, Hugh Harris, Alison Bird and Emilios Patsalides.

Location and availability


The Duty Tutor office is situated at the back of Laboratory C in the First Year Chemistry area. A Duty Tutor is available between 12 noon and 2 pm Tuesdays to Fridays from week 2 throughout the semester and during Study Vacation.

How it works

The Duty Tutors are available on a first come - first served basis to all students in First Year Chemistry and can answer your questions relating to lecture material or laboratory work. They may also be contacted by e-mail on: dutytutor@chem.usyd.edu.au