
Learning outcomes - after studying this topic, you should be able to:
  • define entropy in terms of the tendency of energy to spread out
  • predict how entropy changes with the physical state, the temperature, the size of the molecule and the complexity of a molecule
  • predict whether entropy increases or decreases for simple physical and chemical changes, especially for changes in physical state

Textbook and eBook References

ChemCAL, iChem and Contributed Resources

Drawing organic molecules
Description: tutorial on the various ways that organic molecules can be represented on paper
Tags: stick structures | structural formulae
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Structural principles
Tags: stick structures
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Stereochemistry Tutorial
Tags: stereochemistry
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Representing organic structures
Description: Converting between condensed and stick structures
Tags: stick structures | structural formulae
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Degree of unsaturation calculator
Description: Calculates the number of double bonds in a structure from its formula (or vice versa)
Tags: unsaturation
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Brackets in molecule names
Description: How to deal with brackets in organic compound names - always something people have difficulty with
Tags: nomenclature | brackets | names
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Organic isomers
Description: Isomerism in organic chemistry
Tags: constitutional | stereoisomers | configurational | conformational | optical | enantiomers
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Spectroscopic techniques in organic chemistry
Description: Workshop on spectroscopic techniques and problem solving in structure determination
Tags: spectroscopy | structure determination
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Interactive 3D crystal structures
Tags: unit cell | ccp | hcp
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Caesium chloride unit cell
Description: Video showing how the crystal structure is built from the unit cell and how atoms on the corners end up being shared
Tags: CsCl | unit cells | crystal structures
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Sodium chloride unit cell
Description: Video showing how the crystal structure is built from the unit cell and how atoms on the corners, faces and edges end up being shared
Tags: FCC | unit cells | crystal structures | rocksalt
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Marbles defy entropy
Tags: entropy
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
How to make liquid carbon dioxide
Description: Under pressure, dry ice melts to give liquid carbon dioxide. It only sublimes at lower pressures
Tags: phase diagrams
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Supercritical carbon dioxide
Description: At 31 'C, carbon dioxide becomes super critical if the pressure is very high. In the supercritical phase, it occupies space like a gas but flows like a liquid
Tags: phase diagrams
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Supercritical carbon dioxide (2)
Description: Supercritical carbon dioxide being stirred like a liquid
Tags: phase diagrams
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Freelance Teacher- chemistry
Description: Covers most of the organic chemistry and most of the inorganic chemistry topics in this course.
Spectroscopy game
Description: For those who want to practise their IR/NMR/etc skills.
Tags: IR | NMR | spectroscopy
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Flowchart of isomer types
Tags: stereoisomers | configurational | diastereomers
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Introduction to Acids and Bases
Contributed by Siggi Schmid
Definition of pH, pOH, "p", sample calculations
The chemistry of snowflakes
Description: Video showing how snowflakes form and grow
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Guided tour of metalloproteins
Description: Structures of important biological molecules with metals at the active site
Tags: metalloproteins | metalloenzymes
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Introduction to isomerism
Description: Introduction to isomerism
Tags: isomers | isomerism
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Optical isomerism tutorial
Description: Introduction to chirality
Tags: isomers | isomerism | enantiomers | chirality
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
pH of Strong Acids and Bases
Description: Video tutorial and lots of examples on how to calculate the pH of a strong acids and strong bases
Tags: pH | strong acid | strong base
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Organic functional groups
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Functional group flashcards
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Alkanes - structure and nomenclature
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Alkenes, Benzene and Alkynes
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Elimination and Electrophilic Addition Reactions
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Organic spectroscopy
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Structural Organic Chemistry
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Reduction and Oxidation
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Organic Acids and Bases
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Nucleophilic Addition to Carbonyl Groups
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Organic Reactions Summary
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Organic Transformations Flashcards
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Acids and bases - self learning questions (1)
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Acids and bases - self learning questions (2)
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Weak Acids and Bases
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Calculations with Weak Acids and Bases
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Acids and bases - self learning questions (4)
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Acids and bases - self learning questions (3)
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Acid-Base Titrations
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Intermolecular Forces - Self Learning Questions
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
States of Matter
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Solubility - Self Learning Questions
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Complexes - Self Learning Questions
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Kinetics - Self Learning Questions (2)
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Kinetics - Self Learning Questions (2)
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Thermal Energy, Collisions and Reactions
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Reaction Rates and Chemical Kinetics 2
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Reaction Rates and Chemical Kinetics
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Colours of transition metal complexes
Description: Origin of the beautiful colours of complex ions
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
How to draw organic molecules
Tags: organic | stick structures
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Hydrocarbon Power!
Description: Alkane nomenclature
Tags: alkane | crash course | youtube | tutorial
Contributed by GGV
Acidity of organic molecules (short video tutorial)
Tags: pKa | acid/base
Contributed by Mat Todd
Naming Organic Compounds (short video tutorial)
Tags: organic nomenclature
Contributed by Peter Rutledge
Organic nomenclature
Description: Video and interactive tutorials and self test quizzes on how to name organic compounds
Tags: organic nomenclature
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Acidity of Organic Molecules and Types of Organic Reactions
Description: Video and interactive tutorials and self test quizzes on the acidity of organic molecules and types of organic reactions
Tags: acidity | substitution | elimination | addition | oxidation | reduction
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Structure determination (short video tutorial)
Tags: structure determination | IR | NMR | UV
Contributed by Peter Rutledge
Introduction to Organic Structure Determination
Description: Video and interactive tutorials and self test quizzes on organic spectroscopy and structure determination
Tags: structure determination | IR | NMR | UV
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Using the terms primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary (short video tutorial)
Tags: organic nomenclature
Contributed by Mat Todd
Alcohol and amine nomenclature (short video tutorial)
Tags: organic nomenclature
Contributed by Mat Todd
Naming Alcohols, Amines and Halides
Description: Video and interactive tutorials and self test quizzes on naming alcohols, amines and halides
Tags: organic nomenclature | alcohols | amines | organic halides
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Assigning Priority (short video tutorial)
Tags: stereochemistry | isomerism | chirality
Contributed by Peter Rutledge
Assigning Absolute Configuration (short video tutorial)
Tags: stereochemistry | isomerism | chirality
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Assigning Priority and Absolute Configuration
Description: Video and interactive tutorials and self test quizzes on assigning priorities and assigning absolute configurations in chiral organic molecules
Tags: stereochemistry | isomerism | chirality
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Carbonyl containing compounds (short video tutorial)
Tags: Aldehydes | ketones | carboxylic acid derivatives
Contributed by Mat Todd
Naming and Identifying Carbonyl Containing Compounds
Tags: Aldehydes | ketones | carboxylic acid derivatives
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Synthesis and retrosynthesis (part 1) (short video tutorial)
Tags: Synthesis | mechanism | organic reactions | retrosynthesis
Contributed by Peter Rutledge
Synthesis and retrosynthesis (part 2) (short video tutorial)
Tags: Synthesis | mechanism | organic reactions | retrosynthesis
Contributed by Peter Rutledge
Synthetic Strategies and Organic Reactions
Description: Video and interactive tutorials and self test quizzes on synthetic strategies
Tags: Synthesis | mechanism | organic reactions | retrosynthesis
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
pH of strong acids and bases (short video tutorial)
Tags: pH | strong acids | strong bases
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Electronegativity and bonding
Description: Video tutorial and lots of examples on electronegativity and how to use it to predict bonding types
Tags: electronegativity | bonding | polar bonds
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Coordination numbers
Description: Video tutorial and lots of examples on coordination numbers in covalent molecules, complexes, metallic solids and ionic compounds
Tags: coordination number | complexes | crystal structures
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Introduction to Solubility
Description: Video tutorial and lots of examples on solubility and how to solve solubility equilibrium problems
Tags: solubility | solubility product
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Formulas, Names of Complexes and d-Configurations
Description: Video, interactive tutorial and self test quizzes on naming coordination compounds and working out d-configurations
Tags: coordination chemistry | coordination compounds | complex ions | d-configurations
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Introduction to the Rate Law
Description: Video, interactive tutorial and self test quizzes on the rate law and how to work it out from experimental data
Tags: chemical kinetics | reaction rate | rate law | reaction order
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman