Introduction to High Resolution Spectroscopy 

Introduction Rotational Vibrational Miscellaneous

Particle In A 1D Box

Use the sliders to control the display of the energy levels for the particle in a one-dimensional box. Click or click and drag on the energy levels to show its wavefunction and/or probabilty distribution within the box.

When displaying probability, click on two points in the box to calculate the probability of the particle being between those points for that energy level. By then clicking on the energy levels, the probability for other levels can be obtained. To cancel or restart the probability calculation, click below the box. To locate the positions accurately, click and drag.

Once you have covered all of the available resources for electronic spectroscopy, you should test your knowledge and understanding with the self test.


© A.J. Bridgeman, School of Chemistry 2024 | Last Modified 10/07/19
School of Chemistry, Building F11, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia, Ph: +61-2-9351-4504; Fax: +61-2-9351-3329