Navigating Around ChemCAL Online
The material in ChemCAL Online is arranged in one screen 'chunks' and everything you need to complete a task should be visible on the screen. For some monitors you may need to close some browser toolbars to make more room. See 'Setting Up for ChemCAL' for more information.

The basic navigation buttons for moving between screens within a module or to other modules are quick and simple.

at the bottom right corner of the screen moves to the next screen in the current tutorial.
at the bottom left corner moves to the previous screen in the current tutorial.

at top right takes you back to the index of screens for the current tutorial.
at top left takes you to right back the ChemCAL Online Home page.

You can also move directly to a screen using the title link on the 'index' page of each tutorial. You can browse pages in any order if you choose, though they have been sequenced to develop a certain topic.

TRY OUT each of these navigation button types, coming back to this screen a few times. Then move forward to the question screens in this module.