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CHEM1012 - Textbooks

Chemistry 1 Laboratory Handbook

This is required by all students, except those with a practical exemption.

It will be issued free when you register at your first laboratory session in week 2 of semester. Do not lose it, as a replacement copy (available from the First Year Enquiry Office) will cost you $10.


The following is a highly recommended, but not compulsory, purchase:
Blackman, Bottle, Schmid, Mocerino and Wille,
     Chemistry, 3rd Edition, 2015 (John Wiley) ISBN: 978-0-7303-1105-8 (paperback) and 978-0-7303-2492-8 (e-text)

Textbook resources, including the answers to the odd-numbered problems of Chemistry, 3rd Edition and the web address for the publisher's site, are available via "Textbook Resources" on USYD eLearning.
This textbook covers the full range of first year Chemistry and will also be extremely useful in second year units.

In previous years, we have recommended purchase of Chemistry, 2rd Edition, (John Wiley). If you already possess this textbook because you are repeating a unit, you will not need to purchase the new edition.

If you are a new student, however, we recommended purchasing the new edition if you have the choice, as our page references will correspond.

During the year, recommendations may be made concerning reference books. In the main, copies of these books will be available from the Fisher Library - purchase is neither recommended nor required.

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