Support for your studies
The School of Chemistry and the University of Sydney are proud of the level of support available to its students. The School of Chemistry and First Year Chemistry offer a range of academic resources, including on-line resources specific to your unit of study and duty tutors in the First Year Chemistry Learning Centre, who can help you with any question you have arising from the lectures, tutorials and laboratory material. Your chemistry lecturers (semester 1 and semester 2) are all very approachable so feel free to ask them questions as well.
Please ask the Chemistry Student Services Office if you have any questions concerning the First Year Chemistry Unit administration. The staff with direct responsibility for First Year Studies would also be pleased to help you.
The University also offers a range of services to assist you at all stages of your studies, including your personal timetable. The Chemistry timetable for semester 1 and semester 2 is also available. Alternatively, you can access information directly related to your unit of study from its web area: To decide which unit(s) of study are most suitable for you, try our online assistant or contact us to discuss your options.