School of Chemistry | Faculty of Science | The University of Sydney
Periodic Table (PDF) | Useful Data | Useful Formulas

CHEM1111 - Tutorial Problem Sheets

For general information on the tutorials, including the timetable, see the tutorial information page.

The problem sheets are designed to show your understanding of some of the areas covered in the lecture courses. Each week, you should:
  • Download the relevant problem sheet from the table below
  • Attempt all of the questions prior to the tutorial
  • Check your work with the answers which will be provided at the end of the week before the tutorial.
  • Use the tutorial to get feedback on your progress - if you don't do any work, we can't give you feedback!
  • Use the answers to correct minor errors and to provide you with a list of topics and questions to take to your tutorial.
  • In quiz weeks, you should attempt the sample quizzes, using your lecture notes, textbooks and online resources, the Learning Centre and the discussion boards on the eLearning site for this unit. Your tutor will cover small problems with these quiz questions prior to the actual quiz.
In addition to going over questions about the lectures and tutorial problems, your tutor will go over a number of relevant examination questions.

You will find having a copy of the periodic table, data and formula sheets extremely useful in completing these questions.

Your performance in the tutorial quizzes and in the end of semester examination will be greatly enhanced by your attendance and involvement in the tutorial sessions. The ability to study independently, to evaluate your own performance and development and to recognize gaps in your knowledge are important graduate attributes.
Available Problem SheetsAvailable Answers and Sample Quizzes
Now on Canvas.
The answers to the problem sheets are provided before your tutorial so that you can check through your solutions. By doing this, the tutorial can focus on the issues that you do not understand rather than going over every question. The tutor will then also have time to go through old exam questions and to extend your knowledge.

These are your tutorials, provided to aid your understanding - use them.

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