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CHEM1901 - Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I am ill or affected by personal circumstances during or leading up to the exam period?

Students who miss the end of semester examination because of illness or misadventure or whose performance in the exam has been severely affected by illness or personal circumstances may be granted a replacement examination. The dates and venue of these replacement examinations will be:
  • Semester 1: Likely to be the week following the regular exam period

If you apply for Special Consideration for an examination, you are applying to resit the examination. We will NOT "just give you a couple of extra marks". If Special Consideration is granted, unless you formally withdraw your application, you will be obliged to attend the replacement examination - your original paper will be considered null and void.

To apply for Special Consideration, regardless of what faculty you are enrolled in, go to the Special consideration website, and follow the procedures outlined. Application for special consideration must be submitted within three (3) days of the missed examination. If you are prevented from doing this by, for example, hospitalisation, you should apply immediately upon your return to University.

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