School of Chemistry | Faculty of Science | The University of Sydney
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CHEM1001 - Past Exam Papers

Papers and Solutions

  • Example multiple choice questions
    • These questions are provided to illustrate the type of questions used in this section of the paper and to provide you with extra practice. It is not a sample quiz. The questions in the exam paper will be in the style of these questions but may well cover different topics.
      Due to University policy on publication of multiple choice questions, this file cannot be printed.
      MCQ plus answers


The topics which are examinable are described in considerable detail in the learning outcomes and in the unit outline. The course evolves over time: past papers do not define the syllabus. You will find questions in the past papers which were not taught so will not be examined in your exam. When reading the learning outcomes, you should note that the laboratory course is self-contained: material from the lab course is assessed in the lab course and is not re-assessed in the examination.

A data sheet with periodic table is supplied with all Chemistry 1 exam papers. You should consult this data sheet to see what equations and data you will be provided with. However, note that as the sheet is common to all Chemistry 1 Units of Study, much of the information presented is not required for the particular paper you will be sitting.

Note that the syllabus has changed considerably in 2004. A combination paper which consists of the relevant sections from June 2003 Chem1001 and November 2003 Chem1101 exams was prepared for 2004.

Note: It is University policy not to publish any multiple choice questions that are used in examinations.
  • Topics covered only in the laboratory are not re-assessed in the examination.
  • From 2005 onwards, full worked answers are available. For papers before then, the answers include only the numerical answer or a short answer without any working. Worked answers to problems covering the topics covered week by week are available on the 'suggested exam Q & A page'
  • There are almost certainly errors in the answers - if you suspect that an answer is wrong please post on the discussion board, and instructors will endeavour to check and correct the answer if necessary.
  • The syllabuses for weeks 7-13 of CHEM1101 and CHEM1901 are similar to that for this unit and some of the CHEM1101 past papers and worked answers and CHEM1901 past papers and worked answers are also worth trying for extra practice.

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