School of Chemistry | Faculty of Science | The University of Sydney
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CHEM1002 - Timetable

You can print off your personalised timetable from the university timetable website. This ensures that classes are of appropriate sizes. If you have a timetable clash there may be some flexibility in timing, depending on the unit of study. It is essential that you attend all sessions for which you have been timetabled in Chemistry.

Semester 2

Lectures and tutorials start in week 1. Laboratory classes start in week 2.




Lecture Times

Series (i)
Series (ii)

All lectures are held in the School of Chemistry.


EASR = Eastern Avenue Seminar Room


Laboratory workspace allocation will be in your first timetabled session of the semester (either week 1 or 2 - check your timetable). For more information click here.

Note: There is a requirement that you attend a minimum of 90% of the laboratory classes. You must pass the practical component of the unit.

During the semester, you will cycle through the complete program. Click on the link below that corresponds to your group (the colour of your laboratory handbook) and note the experiment and its location within the First Year Chemistry Laboratories.

Missed or Know You Will Miss Your Laboratory Class?

If you know you are going to miss your timetabled laboratory slot due to a pre-arranged commitment (sport, music or theatrical rehearsal, work etc), you can catch the experiment up at an alternative session by following the 'catch up' link below. It is your responsibility to plan ahead if you have a clashing sport or theatrical event!

If you miss a laboratory session due to unforeseen circmstances (illness etc), your preferred option should also be to catch up the laboratory work. You can apply for Special Consideration (choose "attendance") but unless you can demonstrate that you are unable to catch up the experiment at a later date, the most likely outcome will be an instruction to catch up your experiment within 2 weeks of getting better.

Note that most experiments are available over a large number of sessions, over many weeks. Near the end of semester, these tend to fill quickly, so you are strongly advised not leave unfinished experiments until the end of semester, and do so at risk of failing to complete the laboratory course. Without special consideration, you can book a session for up to 2 weeks after the missed experiements. With special consideration, you can contact the first year office to book a session beyond the 2 week window. The box below shows which experiments are available in which sessions and in which weeks. It does not show whether there are free workspaces available:
To organise a catch up lab session, please use the booking tool under "Missed or know you will miss your laboratory class?" in "Laboratory Program" on eLearning.

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