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CHEM1101 - Resources for Week 2

Topics and Learning Outcomes

  • Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry
    •  use the appropriate notation to denote nuclides and isotopes
    •  explain the factors which govern nuclear stability
    •  balance nuclear equations
    •  recognize the proton-proton chain and primary nucleogenesis reactions
    •  use given equations to calculate quantities such as activities, specific activity and molar activity
    •  calculate ages of artefacts from activity ratios
    •  use and manipulate equations describing exponential decay
    •  explain the main mechanism of biological damage by ionising radiation
    •  explain the main factors that contribute to the severity of radiation damage
    •  explain why radioactive isotopes are useful in cancer therapy and imaging, and identify the most useful types of radiation for each
    •  predict the mode of decay for a given unstable nucleus
  • Wave Theory of Electrons and Atomic Energy Levels
    •  calculate the energy of a photon from its wavelength, and its wavelength from its energy
    •  relate absorption and emission of photons to changes in electron energy levels
    •  calculate energy levels for one-electron atoms
    •  calculate the momentum of particle from its wavelength and calculate the wavelength of a particle from its momentum
  • Shape of Atomic Orbitals and Quantum Numbers
    •  identify the key features of waves in 1-3 dimensions - displacement, amplitude, nodes
    •  recall that s orbitals have n – 1 spherical nodes
    •  recall that the spatial extent of the electron increases with energy
    •  identify the principal quantum number
    •  recall the Born interpretation of the electron wave
    •  explain the meaning of the orbital quantum numbers, n, l, m, and the designation of orbitals such as 1s, 3d, 4p, 4f
    •  recognise the representations of waves as cross-sectional graphs, contour plots and lobes
    •  recognise the shapes of atomic orbitals in these representations
    •  deduce the number of nodal planes and spheres for an s, p or d orbital
    •  draw a lobe representation of an s or p orbital

Textbook and eBook References

  • Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry - Chapter 1 and Sections 27.1 - 27.4
  • Wave Theory of Electrons and Resulting Atomic Energy Levels - Section 4.2
  • Shape of Atomic Orbitals and Quantum Numbers - Sections 4.3 and 4.4
the eBook references are free and are taken from high quality sources.

Lecture Notes, Tutorial Worksheets & Answers and Suggested Exam Questions

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ChemCAL and iChem Resources

Contributed Links and Resources

You can contribute resources to this site and rank the existing resources: log in to eLearning and follow the link to 'Contribute' under 'Course Resources'.

Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry -  
  Balancing Nuclear Equations  
Description: YouTube tutorial
Tags: nuclear equations  |  Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
  Risk from Japanese nuclear reactors  
Description: 'Sydney Morning Herald' report
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
  Radioactivity Calculations 2 (short video tutorial)  
Description: Calculating the age of a sample using carbon dating
Tags: Half lives | activity | radioactivity  |  Contributed by Liz New
  Balancing Nuclear Equations  
Tags: nuclear equations  |  Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
  Radiation Dose Chart  
Description: Graphical representation from webcomic xkcd
Contributed by Greg Warr
  Radioactivity Calculations 1 (short video tutorial)  
Description: Calculating activities of radioactive elements
Tags: Half lives | activity | radioactivity  |  Contributed by Liz New
  how elements are formed?Fusion and Beyond!  
Description: Ever wonder how most elements are formed? Fusion and beyond! From the NOVA's "Origins" miniseries, host Neil deGrasse Tyson guides us on a journey into the mysteries of the universe, the Earth, and life itself.
Contributed by lydia.daniel
  Interactive Simulations on Nuclear Decay  
Description: A large number of simulations and games that help to understand atomic structure, nuclear decay processes, half-life, and carbon dating.
Contributed by Chiara Neto
  Radioactive Dating Game  
Description: Learn about different types of radiometric dating, such as carbon dating. Understand how decay and half life work to enable radiometric dating. Play a game that tests your ability to match the percentage of the dating element that remains to the age of the object.
Contributed by Chiara Neto
  Ionizing Power and Penetrating Power  
Description: Describes qualitatively the difference in ionizing power of alpha, beta and gamma rays.
Contributed by Chiara Neto
Wave Theory of Electrons and Resulting Atomic Energy Levels -  
  Characteristic properties of waves  
Tags: Waves | wavelength | frequency | radiation  |  Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
  Properties of Waves (short video tutorial)  
Description: Video tutorial on the properties of waves
Tags: Waves | wavelength | frequency | radiation  |  Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
  The Photoelectri Effect  
Description: See how light knocks electrons off a metal target, and recreate the experiment that spawned the field of quantum mechanics.
Contributed by Chiara Neto
Shape of Atomic Orbitals and Quantum Numbers -  
  Gallery of atomic and molecular orbitals  
Tags: atomic orbitals  |  Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
  Atomic orbitals  
Description: Introduction to what atomic orbitals are
Tags: atomic orbitals  |  Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
  Atomic orbitals (rotatable animations)  
Tags: atomic orbitals  |  Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
  Introduction to atomic orbitals  
Description: Khan Academy video
Tags: atomic orbitals  |  Contributed by Adam Bridgeman

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