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Ever wonder how most elements are formed? Fusion and beyond!
From the NOVA's "Origins" miniseries, host Neil deGrasse Tyson guides us on a journey into the mysteries of the universe, the Earth, and life itself.
Contributed by lydia.daniel
Description: A large number of simulations and games that help to understand atomic structure, nuclear decay processes, half-life, and carbon dating.
Contributed by Chiara Neto
Description: Learn about different types of radiometric dating, such as carbon dating. Understand how decay and half life work to enable radiometric dating. Play a game that tests your ability to match the percentage of the dating element that remains to the age of the object.
Contributed by Chiara Neto
Description: See how light knocks electrons off a metal target, and recreate the experiment that spawned the field of quantum mechanics.
Contributed by Chiara Neto