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CHEM1904 - Laboratory


You will be notified of the arrangements for laboratory work during lectures.

The laboratory sessions are held from 2-5pm on Fridays in Laboratories C and D and begin in week 2 of the semester.

Please note that you should not purchase a Laboratory Handbook. You will be provided with a copy of the SSP manual during your first session.

What you need to bring each week

All chemical apparatus necessary for the practical course will be provided by the School of Chemistry. You need to bring:
  • Your copy of the laboratory manual

  • Eye Protection - a pair of safety glasses (obtainable when you buy your laboratory book or from the Union for about $5.00).
    The wearing of eye protection is compulsory at all times whilst you are in the laboratory. If you fail to wear adequate eye protection, you will be asked to leave and will receive a fail for that laboratory session. There are no exceptions.
    A limited number of spare pairs of safety glasses will be available for hire from the Service Room for a non-refundable fee of $2.00. You will only be allowed to hire safety glasses a maximum of two times. After that, you will be asked to leave and will receive a fail for that session.

    At the discretion of the Laboratory Supervisor, normal spectacles, not sunglasses, may be an acceptable alternative but only if they are of an adequate size - see lab notice board for minimum dimensions.

  • Footwear - covered footware must be worn during all lab classes. Students wearing open sandals, thongs and those with bare feet will not be permitted in the laboratory.
    If you fail to wear adequate footwear, you will be asked to leave and will receive a fail for that laboratory session. There are no exceptions.

  • Laboratory Coat - wearing of a laboratory coat is compulsory. This must meet Australian Safety Standards: it must be white, long-sleeved, be made of cotton or a cotton/polyester mix and be long enough to offer adequate protection.
    If you fail to wear a laboratory coat, have it unbuttoned or have the sleeves rolled up, you will be asked to leave and will receive a fail for that laboratory session. There are no exceptions.
    Laboratory coats and glasses are available on campus in the Co-Op Bookshop and in the Wentworth Newsagency, as well as in many hardware stores. Alternatively, you can purchase a 'Faculty of Science' branded coat as well as lab glasses online via the eStore.

  • A hair band - if you have long hair, you must tie it back

  • A calculator.

Exemption from laboratory

If you have previously taken and passed a relevant laboratory course at The University of Sydney, you may be able to claim exemption from the laboratory course. If this is granted, you will carry the laboratory mark from your previous unit and will not be able to improve it. To be granted exemption, you must apply by filling out a form from the First Year Enquiry Office.

To be egligible for exemption from the CHEM1904 laboratory program, you should have previously passed the CHEM1002, CHEM1102, CHEM1902, CHEM1904, CHEM1108, CHEM1908, CHEM1405 or CHEM1611 program.

Please contact the First Year Enquiry Office if you require further information - if you lost your laboratory mark, for example.

Laboratory program

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